Saturday, January 1, 2011

2011 Goals

Tattle Tell - Finish second draft. Edit. Send to beta readers by the end of February. Work on query.

Mutant Series - Plan out both series. Outline!

Fantasy/Steampunk - Finish Worldbuilding and find a work in progress Title. Maybe start writing.

Angel/Demon - Finish first draft, edit and then send to beta reader.

Thomas/Kyle Novella - Finish first draft. Connect all the scenes since it is written by scene and not in order.

Gathered at Dawn - Finish first draft that was started for nanowrimo 2010.

Other potential books: Pick which ones and start writing them. This also means write one of them for NaNoWriMo 2011. Also make sure to write for MarNo with either a started novel or one of the new ones. List includes: TT book 2, Fantasy/Steampunk, I'm Sorry I Forgot You, XXY, Border Patrol dystopian, or Blood Prophesy book 1.

The Fiction Project -
This sounds just like a fun idea. It is hand writing, which is hard on my hand and will hurt, but I'm really looking forward to it. The theme I've chosen is: Below the Surface. I'm thinking I'll use the world of a novel idea when they go underground to survive. But use different characters than the main ones for the two books I already have planned. Seems like it will fit the theme.
Due = May 1st (DE blog anniversary day)

Write Music - Write songs for myself and write songs connected to the novel, I'm Sorry I Forgot You. Learn to play guitar and remember some piano to help with the writing part.

Non-Writing - Learn guitar and practice 4-7 times a week. Work out more and eat healthier with a goal of losing 25 lbs. Get to see BF in person more. Maybe try to find a job. I'd like to move out of my parents house by the end of the year, but we'll see what happens.

Wow. Looking back it seems like I have a lot to write. Good thing I enjoy doing it or this year could easily become very tedious. Note: these goals are subject to change. I changed last year at about April when my list was shorter than this so I'd almost expect a thing or two to change. Especially since I am always coming up with new ideas and sometimes Shinies are hard to deny.

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I write like
Arthur Conan Doyle

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I write like
Mark Twain

I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!