I have goals, which are things I want to focus on at least early on within the year, so will post here too as part of the goal is to remember to keep putting up posts here. I like to make goals for the year and break it down to each month. We'll start for now with the wanted focus for 2018.
Deadlift - 315
Squat - 230, then... 250
Bench - BW and 135, not sure which will come first
Push Press, Clean&Jerk, Snatch - 100+
Run a Half-Marathon
Weigh - 120 (first get to 132 weight class, then worry about the rest)
Read 18 books
- 3 from Wheel of Time
- 2 nonfiction
Rewrite/Edit Novels
- Boys Read Romance
- North West
- Aeon Fading
Submit to Agents
- NW
World Build
- Aeon Fading, Xan, other books in series
- Tattle Tell, Standing Ground, Rogues of Revolution series.
Finish First Draft
- Snow
- List 13
- Under Paper Stars
- In the Horizon He Saw Rain
Make progress on both and post at least once a month. Portion some of the time each week to work on this along with writing, reading and exercise.