Thursday, April 15, 2010

Genre Talk

(Image from isubookstore web site)

Topic for today is my choice in Genres.  I had a hard time finding the right image and even though this one doesn't show all the "proper" genres it's the best I could find and it's really not bad looking. But to the real topic, What genres do I write in?

This topic is sparked by a comment from the first kiss blogfest entry. So, thanks Donna Hole for the comment and inspiration for this blog post. The truth is, I don't balk at erotica, and here is the post to prove it.

My first finished novel was in 2008 for National Novel Writing Month. I made it a little over 50k during the month and then took about a month later to finish the last bit. It ended up being 56,741 words long. The Genre: Romance/Erotica Yep, I write erotica. And there are plenty of naughty scenes in the book, in public, in private, more than two people, etc. The title is Hellenic Distractions. I haven't done a rewrite at this point because even though I know how I want to rework the book, it's not my favorite genre. I don't read erotica. And while I might consider publishing one day, there is something else I prefer. On the other hand, I might publish some short stories first because I have plenty as it's the most common type I enter to contests on WDC.

The real reason is because I don't want to be an erotica author, who writes in other genres. I want to be a fantasy author, who writes in other genres. So, let's discuss my other genres.

Fantasy/Sci-Fi - General
I'm unsure as to the exact subgenre, or location for this, but the variety of series that intertwine (yeah, tough sell, I know) are somewhere in the fantasy and sci-fi genre. The novels involve genetic mutations. This includes a section of a series in the Young Adult genre

Urban Fantasy/Paranormal Romance
I didn't know my novel was in this genre, until recent. I'm not very far in the novel but it's the story of a gay romance between a demon and an angel set in Detroit.

This is the genre that I am attempting but know nothing about. I am a bad writer. I don't always read in the genre I write in. For the first draft, I am just not worrying about it. It can suck so might as well let it go and write the thing. Sure, I'll have to do research for the rewrite but that's okay. I can handle that.

These are my top genres at the moment. I have 3 novels finished, with first drafts not all the way done. There is one erotica/romance and two fantasy/sci-fi. Working on the other two genre first drafts now. Who knows what will get published, if any will, but I have my hopes up and look forward to the path.

What genre do you write?
Do you read in that genre while writing it?

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I write like
Arthur Conan Doyle

I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!

I write like
Mark Twain

I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!