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Okay. Considering I have a blog set aside just for talking about my own novels, this having a secret is a bit odd for me. I'm used to sharing, telling anyone who wants to know exactly what my novels are about and who the characters are. Sure, I'll occasionally tease them by telling them a plot point but not what happens to solve it. Leave them hanging, so to speak.
Example: I have a novel where in the ending, there are two guys and one gun. Who uses the gun? Does he kill himself or the man he has a strange relationship with? I'll never tell! Okay. I'll tell when I write the novel but who knows when that one will be.
I like sharing. It's a bit of an ego booster, to be honest. It's nice to hear someone say they think you have a good idea. Or that the character sounds interesting, fun, different, etc... Sure, I know that there will be a fair number of people who don't like the ideas. Then again, they may not like the characters just because they're almost all gay and not everyone is willing to read that. So, I understand that aspect but it still feels nice to have someone hear an idea and say "it's awesome!"
But I have a Sekrit Novel. And it's spelled "sekrit" for a reason, probably because it's fun, but others too that I don't really know. I just stole the idea from someone else. lol
This is the first time I've started a story that no one knows the details about. All I have mentioned is that it's a novel, and that I'm handwriting it (which is new as well since I have wrist issues and pain). No one has seen the pictures I've created using an online dollmaker. They do know the characters nickname because I mentioned struggling with figuring out his real name but that's it. No one knows the plot in particular. Even @AshelynnS doesn't know the details of this project and she's my twin.
So, if I like telling people so much, why am I keeping it a sekrit?
Cause it's fun. Okay. I actually don't have a real reason except to see if I can even do it. Might be a good idea to not tell everything to everyone all the time. I've heard some people say it's better to not tell at first, but I am not sure I agree. But I like having this little sekrit. I don't know where it will go, if it'll make it to publishability but for now I'm going to enjoy having this novel all to myself.
Shhh! It's a Sekrit!
It's a novel told through the eyes of a young, haunted girl, isn't it? Or a lonely ghost of a young girl? See you got me interested.
Don't forget Lelah's LAST LINES BLOGFEST now. I look forward to reading your entry. I had to post mine early due to work constraints. Roland {I can keep a Sekrit.}
Thanks for the comment. lol
Obviously, you don't know my writing enough for that guess. The picture is just one of the best I found when I did an image search for the word "shh" on google. I have about 15 ideas close to being written or started. Only one has a female main character. But nice try. ;-)
Sekrit projects! Fun! Actually, I've shared my novel ideas with some CPs, but it's not for general consumption. I won't post excerpts, or teasers on my blog, mainly 'cause that's just not how I roll.
So enjoy the sekritiveness, good lady. The most important thing is that you're writing something you're excited about. :)
Thanks Simon. It's a bit easier not to share since I'm writing by hand instead of on the computer. I don't mind sharing with other novels, and the blogfests are great places for such, but sometimes it's good to have a sekrit.
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